Contact us
Feel free to call during business hours Monday-Friday 8AM-6PM or shoot us a text message at anytime!
In late 2020, Lifestyle Detailing was established in Grand Rapids, MI. as just a thought. However, it was our Lord’s intention to work through this to create a ministry. Aiming for Lifestyle to glorify God in all of it’s nature.
We have hoped to create a detailing business that can fit your busy schedule. Whether you’re at work, the office, or home for the day, we will be there.
We have perfected the services we offer to you with extensive training and research, utilizing next generation materials and strategies. That is how we offer a Satisfaction Guarantee with every service Booked.
With a goal and a mission in mind to create opportunity and experiences, you can help create opportunity and experiences by booking with Lifestyle.
Welcome to the Lifestyle